David L. Hood International Faculty/Student Scholar Exchange Endowed Scholarship

David L. Hood International Faculty/Student Scholar Exchange Endowed Scholarship

Dr. David L. Hood was a professor of Political Science at MSU Billings from 1990 until he retired in 2013. During his tenure at MSU Billings, he established several endowments at the MSU Billings Foundation, hoping to provide financial assistance to faculty and students for years to come. When David passed away in November 2013, two of the endowments were combined to provide funding to support both faculty and students involved in the international exchange program at MSU Billings.


“Thank you so much for choosing to support me on my journey next semester by awarding me the David L. Hood International Faculty/Student Exchange Endowed Scholarship. I am touched by the amount of support and kindness I have received by simply being a member of the community at Montana State University Billings. Our campus is filled with magnificent people who are genuinely kind and willing to help you in any way they can. Some of my favorite people on campus work in the library. I was homeschooled grade school throughout high school and when I started at MSUB it was all new and so hectic. However, the ladies at the library were so kind and helpful to me, I decided right then I would spend as much of my spare time as I could in the library. Now I work at the library as a work-study student. This semester is my third at the “Temple of Knowledge.” The people there have made me feel truly at home. Thank you all again, for all of the thoughtfulness and care you have given and continue to give not only to me but to other students at MSUB as well. I will never forget your kindness to me." — Bonnie R., Outdoor Adventure Leadership major
