Hector Foundation Scholarship

Hector Foundation Scholarship

Robert and Priscilla Hector established the Hector Foundation Endowment Fund with the Montana Community Foundation. In 2015, the Hectors recommended the Montana Community Foundation fund a scholarship at MSU Billings to support a student majoring in nursing. The Hectors’ gift was inspired by their daughter, Gretchen, whose professional success began with a degree earned at MSU Billings, as well as a hospitalization during which Robert was moved by the attentive care given by the nurses. The first scholarship was awarded spring semester 2016.


“I am so incredibly honored by your generosity in selecting me to receive this scholarship. This means so much to my family and I. Thank you so much for choosing me. I want to provide the kind, loving, compassionate, and respectful care that Mr. Hector received that left such an impression. I want to be the person that makes an experience memorable, which is hard in such a vulnerable state.” — Cassandra C., Nursing major