Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation Scholarship

Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation Scholarship

The Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation is a private charitable foundation located in Sheridan, Wyoming, established by area ranchers Homer and Mildred Scott. From their earliest days as a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Scott were personally involved in supporting their community. Their deep commitment to philanthropy is been based on their family’s belief in the importance of giving back. The Scotts have placed an emphasis on opportunities for young people which is demonstrated by their generosity in providing scholarships. The Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation Scholarship was established at MSU Billings in 1981 to provide financial assistance to business majors. The first scholarship was awarded in academic year 1981-1982.


“Thank you for selecting me to receive the Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation Scholarship. Your immense generosity is a blessing as I continue to work towards achieving my education goals. I am proud to be amongst other recipients of your scholarship, which you have awarded annually to Montana State University Billings since 1981. Your altruism toward education represents a commitment everyone can strive for in his or her personal lives.” — David W., Finance major