Irving Quanbeck Environmental Studies Endowed Scholarship

Irving Quanbeck Environmental Studies Endowed Scholarship

Jaq Quanbeck and Duane Quanbeck established the Irving Quanbeck Environmental Studies Endowed Scholarship in memory of their father, Irving, in 2004. Mr. Quanbeck was a science teacher and department head at Lincoln Junior High School in Billings, Montana. He was a conservationist. The Quanbeck scholarship is dedicated to students majoring in environmental studies who are interested in promoting environmentally responsible business activities. The first scholarship was awarded in academic year 2006-2007.


“I am greatly appreciative to have been chosen for your family’s Irving Quanbeck Environmental Studies Endowed Scholarship. This scholarship money will positively help me stay focused on my school work and grades while knowing I am not gaining more debt. Being acknowledged for my hard work keeps the fire inside burning. I cannot say thank you enough.” — LeAnne T., Environmental Studies major
