Montana Association for Rehabilitation (MAR) Academic Scholarship

Montana Association for Rehabilitation (MAR) Academic Scholarship

The Montana Association for Rehabilitation (MAR) is a group of professionals in the field of rehabilitation who strive to reduce social barriers through increased disability awareness and promote work and independence for Montanans who live with disabilities. MAR’s mission is to create a supportive environment in which committed individuals in the field of rehabilitation share goals, values, and experiences. In 2003, MAR established the Montana Association for Rehabilitation Academic Scholarship at MSU Billings to provide financial assistance to active student members of MAR who are graduate students pursuing a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. The first scholarship was awarded in academic year 2003-2004.


“I would like to thank you for providing the Montana Association for Rehabilitation Academic Scholarship so that I can continue my studies in the field of Rehabilitation Counseling. Without your financial support, it would be difficult for me to afford the cost of tuition that seems to skyrocket each year… This year has been a difficult one for me, due to my recent cancer diagnosis and the uncertainty surrounding my health. However, gaining this scholarship has given me reason to think positively about my future, as well as the promising futures of those I hope to serve after graduation.” — Robert A., Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling major