Rev. Kim Woeste - United Campus Ministry Endowed Scholarship

Rev. Kim Woeste - United Campus Ministry Endowed Scholarship

Rev. Kim Woeste served on the board of the United Campus Ministry at Montana State University Billings from 1995-2002 and worked as the Campus Minister for 10 years, from 2002-2012. She remains dedicated to ministry with young adults and ministry in higher education and served as the Chaplain at Rocky Mountain College. While working with the United Campus Ministry at MSU Billings, Kim encouraged thinking faith and faith put into action. She sought to create opportunities for students to find community, explore faith and ask questions, and work for justice. United Campus Ministry has had a cooperative relationship with Eastern Montana College (now MSU Billings) since the mid-1960s. To honor Kim and her years of service and dedication to United Campus Ministry, Kim’s husband, Rev. Dennis Cox, and United Campus Ministry established the Rev. Kim Woeste – United Campus Ministry Scholarship Endowment at MSU Billings to provide financial assistance to students involved in United Campus Ministry. The first scholarship was awarded in academic year 2013-2014.


“I cannot fully express my gratitude and enthusiasm in being awarded the Rev. Kim Woeste – United Campus Ministry Endowed Scholarship. It is opportunities like this which urge me to strive for excellence, and I have you to thank for that. This scholarship will be of huge importance to me and will help me be a mother, student, and an active member of the community, all at the same time. Without financial help, I would not be able to continue my education. I do not want to give up and will try my best until I can. Thank you for motivating me to give 110% every day and to strive to be the best of the best.” — Miglena I., Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Psychology major
