Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Scholarship

Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Scholarship

Community investing is an everyday activity at Wells Fargo — not only financial investing, but also the investment of people power. Supporting education is a top priority for Wells Fargo both nationally and locally. In 1995, Wells Fargo Bank (then Norwest Bank Montana) made it a little easier for students to finance an education. In response to the growing need for endowed scholarships, Norwest Bank Montana established the Norwest Bank Montana Endowed Scholarship at MSU Billings. Earnings from the endowment provide scholarship funding to entice Montana’s top graduating high school seniors to stay in-state and also to provide financial assistance to currently enrolled MSU Billings students. In 2001 Norwest Bank Montana officially changed their name to Wells Fargo Bank; the endowment is now known as the Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Scholarship. The first scholarship was awarded in academic year 1996-1997.


“Thank you, Wells Fargo Bank, for your generosity towards my education. This moment fills me with confidence that my dreams of adding value to the business world are so much closer! Through scholarships like the Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Scholarship, I can focus more on my education because I realize it is not only myself I am trying to make proud.” — Christian B., Business Marketing major
